
Since 2012, LED Lighting Total Solution.

Shop Best Smd Led Distributor in GAINER LED

Nowadays it is not enough to simply manufacture smd led distributor based on quality and reliability. Product efficiency is added as a basic foundation for its design in Shenzhen Qianlin Lighting Co., Ltd.. In this regard, we use the most advanced materials and other technological tools to assist its performance developments through the production process.

GAINER LED has a high popularity among the domestic and international brands. The products under the brand are repeatedly purchased as they are cost-effective and stable in performance. The repurchase rate remains high, leaving a good impression on potential customers. After experiencing our service, the customers return positive comments, which in turn promote ranking of the products. They prove to have much more developing potentials in the market.

We know that great customer service goes in pair with high quality communication. For example, if our customer comes with an issue at GAINER LED, we keep the service team try not to make a phone call or write an e-mail directly to solve problems. We rather offer some alternative choices instead of one ready-made solution to customers.

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we welcome custom designs and ideas and is able to cater to the specific requirements. for more information, please visit the website or contact us directly with questions or inquiries.

We are located in Shenzhen, China and Focus on the LED industry for more than 10 years.

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HongKong Gainer Technology Limited (HongKong)


Shenzhen Qianlin Lighting Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen)

Tel: 0755-27835429   l   Fax: 0755-23146216 

Contact: Adam Song
Tel: +86 158 1867 9054
WhatsApp: +86 158 1867 9054
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